Trickle Vents And Why Your New Replacement Windows Have Them

For some time now, it has been a legal requirement in Scotland for trickle vents to be included in all new replacement windows.

Replacement UPVC Windows

What on earth is a trickle vent, we hear you cry?

Before we go into that though, we’ll start by giving you a bit of background information into why they’re necessary.

Although the energy efficiency standards of modern windows and doors are far superior than they used to be, it’s caused homes to not be as naturally ventilated as they once were, which can result in damp, and exposure to this is not good for our health. This is why trickle vents are now added to windows by law.

A trickle vent is a very small opening in a window, put in to allow small amounts of ventilation into spaces and enhance air quality. It will provide this when a window is open or closed, reducing indoor pollutants too, making home environments healthier.

Your chosen window installer will be responsible for the inclusion of trickle vents and should also provide you with guidance on the various types of trickle vents that are available.

Some properties are exempt from having trickle vents in new windows, including buildings with heat recovery systems, listed buildings and those situated in conservation areas.

It makes no odds if your existing windows have trickle vents or they don’t – you will still need some in your new windows. When they do have trickle vents, it’s imperative that your replacement windows come with trickle vents that offer the same level of performance or better.

You will be accountable if your new windows aren’t compliant with the rules, and it could pose you a problem when you come to sell the house. Being in possession of a completion certificate will offer proof that the windows satisfy the regulations regarding trickle vents.

Make contact with Bon Accord Glass if you’d like to know more about trickle vents or would like us to take care of a new window installation.


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