How To Care For Aluminium Windows

How To Care For Aluminium Windows

In the world of home improvement, aluminium windows have been gaining significant attention for their durability, sleek aesthetics, and minimal maintenance requirements.

These windows offer many benefits, but homeowners often have questions about their longevity, maintenance, and why they should choose them.

Let the team at Bon Accord Glass dive into these aspects for you, providing you with essential insights into the care and advantages of aluminium windows

How long do aluminium windows last?

One of the primary concerns when investing in windows is their lifespan. Fortunately, aluminium windows are designed to endure the test of time. With proper care, you can expect them to last anywhere from 20 to 30 years, and sometimes even longer.

Several factors contribute to their remarkable longevity. Aluminium is naturally resistant to corrosion, which means your windows will remain robust, even in the face of harsh weather conditions.

Aluminium windows require minimal upkeep, eliminating the need for frequent painting or staining.

Additionally, they are highly durable, capable of withstanding wear and tear without losing their structural integrity.

Large house with aluminium windows

How to clean aluminium windows?

To maximise the lifespan of your aluminium windows, regular cleaning is essential. Maintaining the pristine appearance of your aluminium windows is a straightforward task that doesn’t require specialised skills or expensive products.

To keep them looking their best, start by wiping down your windows with a mixture of mild detergent and warm water. A soft cloth or sponge is all you need to avoid scratching the surface. It’s crucial to stay away from abrasive cleaners or tools that can damage the finish.

After cleaning, thorough rinsing is essential to prevent streaks or stains. If your windows have moving parts, consider applying a silicone-based lubricant to ensure smooth operation.

Grey aluminium windows with bars

Why choose aluminium windows?

Beyond their longevity and easy maintenance, there are compelling reasons to opt for aluminium windows in your home.

Firstly, they excel in energy efficiency. Aluminium frames do a great job of preventing heat or cold from transferring into your living space.

Visually, aluminium windows offer a modern and sleek aesthetic. Their versatility makes them a perfect fit for various architectural styles, enhancing the overall look of your home.

Furthermore, security is a paramount concern for homeowners. Aluminium windows inherently provide robustness, adding an extra layer of protection to your property.

Aluminium is also an eco-friendly choice. It is a recyclable material, making it an environmentally responsible option for those who care about sustainability.

Aluminium windows open in the kitchen

Aluminium windows bring together durability, low maintenance, and aesthetic appeal in one package. By following straightforward care tips, you can enjoy these benefits for many years, making aluminium windows a valuable investment for your home’s future.

So, if you’re contemplating window replacement or installation, get in touch for a quote for Bon Accord’s aluminium windows.


We have a fantastic range to choose from so whether it’s a modern style or traditional timber effect windows – we are confident that we will have windows to improve any home to give it the finished look with elegance.



We have a fantastic range to choose from so whether it’s a modern style or traditional timber effect windows – we are confident that we will have windows to improve any home to give it the finished look with elegance.



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